A.F. "Rick" Hager
FL CGC 034136 (1985)
Owner and President of FH&A
Born and raised in Daytona Beach, FL.
Seabreeze HS Grad 1977
University of FL Grad BA in Building Construction 1983
Certified General Contractor FL State License 1985
Xepapas Construction Co. 1983-1989 Project Manager
Custom Home Builder, Commercial Construction and Concrete Restoration 1989-1991
Flores-Hager & Associates, Inc. (FH&A) 1991-Current
Rick has over 30 years experience in Building Restoration and Commercial High-Rise construction. He maintains periodic jobsite visitations, including weekly coordination with Project Managers and Foremen to discuss schedule and project updates.
Thomas Wiedenbauer
Project Manager
Born in DeLand, FL
Seabreeze HS Grad 2001
FSU Grad BA Industrial & MFG Engineering 2006
University of FL Grad Masters in Industrial & Systems Engineering (MSISE)
Harris Corp. Mission Assurance Engineer/Engineering Mgr. 2006-2018
Flores-Hager & Associates (FH&A) 2018-Current